The Birthing Mother

Found 8 Search results

  1. Childbirth - Tum'a and Circumcision on the Eighth Day

    Rabbi Elchanan Samet

    This article examines the placement of the laws of the birthing mother (Yoledet), the reason that circumcision is on the eighth day, and the relationship between the two sets of law.

  2. The Impurity of the Birthing Mother and Her Offering

    Rabbanit Sharon Rimon

    Why is a birthing mother required to bring a sin offering? Many commentators have attempted to answer this question. Some claim that it is an atonement for a particular sin - personal or universal, while others suggest that the sin offering is meant as a purification process from impurity. 

  3. Tazria-Metzora: Joy in Children

    Rabbi Jay Kelman

  4. Holiness and Childbirth

    Rabbi Jonathan Sacks

    Why does childbirth render the mother ritually impure? Why is the period after giving birth to a girl twice that for a boy? Through an examination of the text we can answer these questions and understand Judaism’s approach to the miracle of childbirth and the importance of raising the next generation. 


    This article is part of the Covenant & Conversation series.

    To read more from Rabbi Sacks or to subscribe to his mailing list, please visit You can also follow him on TwitterInstagram and Facebook.

  5. Impurity in Life and in Death

    Rabbi Dr. Yoel Bin Nun

    What is the common denominator linking all the various types of impurity listed in parshiot Tazria- Metzora? Through a close examination of the text we can understand that impurity is caused by the presence of or contact with different manifestations of death. 

  6. Structure of Tazria- Metzora Staff

  7. Doves of a Mother and Doves of the Return to Zion

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  8. Parshat Tazria Part 1: Impurity Caused by Childbirth

    Shani Taragin | 28 minutes

    This podcast begins Parshat Tazria with a discussion of tuma and tahara (purity and impurity) and an attempt to define these ambiguous terms. We also learn about the laws of a woman’s impurity and process of purification following childbirth.

    Courtesy of