Kosher and Non-Kosher Foods
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The Sin of Nadav and Avihu and the Animals Prohibited for Consumption
Rabbi Amnon BazakThe sin of Nadav and Avihu is followed by dietary laws. Is there a relationship between the two? What is the way to achieve the correct balance in Avodat Hashem based on Parashat Shemini?
Rationale for the Laws of Kashrut
Dr. Ruth Walfish | Hour and 8 minutesWhat is the rationale behind the laws of Kashrut? This lecture closely analyzes the various Kashrut laws, and explores the deeper meaning behind the animals that are prohibited and permitted to be eaten, the prohibition against eating blood, and vegetarianism as an ideal in Judaism. Through this analysis we also delve into the broader topic of the purpose of mitzvot in general, and the value of searching for meaning within the laws.
Purity of the Animals on the Ark: A Story of Boundaries
Rabbi David Silverberg