Mishkan - The cloud of incense
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Vessels of the Mishkan
Prof. Jonathan GrossmanThe second mention of the Menorah opens the unit discussing the priests, and expresses the service of those who do not have access to God's direct revelation. The Altar of Incense and the washing basin are not mentioned alongside the other vessels, because they are not vessels that define the Mishkan; rather, they enable the work in the Mishkan. The washing basin enables the priests to work in the Mishkan, while the incense enables the Divine Presence to dwell in the Mishkan without endangering the people.
Tetzaveh: Where Is God In a Physical World?
Rabbi David Fohrman |Last week's parsha video outlines the mishkan as a 'face' of God, and this week, he delves into the paradox - how can God be both outside of space and time, and in our physical world? Rabbi Fohrman argues that maybe the face of the mishkan gives us the answer, and begins to explore the similarities between humankind and God.
If you enjoyed this video, please visit AlephBeta.org to watch more.Pekudei: A Giant Chiasm In Sefer Shmot
Rabbi David Fohrman |In this week's video, Rabbi Fohrman explores an incredible chiasm that encompasses more than 15 chapters, and asks, how do the pieces of this puzzle, especially the focal point at the center, come together to help us understand how the Torah builds together?
If you enjoyed this video, please visit AlephBeta.org to watch more.
Face to Face with God: Moshe on Har Sinai
Dr. Yael Ziegler | 54 minutesThis lecture discusses the relationship the “panim el panim” relationship that Moshe had with God, and what it means to have that kind of relationship. We then explore this concept of “panim el panim” and in what ways we are able to re-create this experience and continue it throughout later generations.
Courtesy of www.tanachstudy.com