Mordekhai refuses to bow to Haman
Found 2 Search results
"Mordekhai Did Not Bow, Nor Did He Prostrate Himself"
Prof. Jonathan GrossmanHow does the book assess Mordekhai's refusal to bow down to Haman? Is Mordekhai justified in his refusal? What is the reasoning behind his decision?
Esther's Brilliant Plan
Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom | Hour and 3 minutesWhat do the first two chapters of Megillat Esther add to the story? Why do we need this seemingly unimportant background to the Purim story? Through a close examination of the first few chapters of the megillah, we notice that these chapters provide us with important psychological profiles of the main characters – Achashverosh, Esther, and Haman. It is based on these character descriptions that we can understand Esther’s plan- playing into their psychological weaknesses in order to ultimately save the Jewish nation.