personality of biblical characters
Found 3 Search results
The Tenacity of Yitzhak
Rabbi Alex Israel | 38 minutesCompared to the other forefathers, Yitzchak often seems to be presented as passive. Some say that his lack of originality is crucial for the successful continuity of Abraham’s legacy. But is it really fitting for a forefather to have no real distinctive characteristic of his own? Does this approach give enough credit to Yitzchak? This shiur develops another perspective, one which illuminates Yitzchak’s unique contribution.
Naaman: Humility and Hubris
A Close Reading of II Kings Chapter 5
Rabbi Alex Israelתאריך פרסום: תשע"ד | |
This shiur focuses on the story of Naaman, the army general of the king of Aram during the days of the prophet Elisha. Our analysis of the long narrative about Naaman brings us to a new understanding of the story. As well as a message about the power of Kiddush HaShem (Sanctifying the name of God) which jumps out after a first glance, we find a study of hierarchy, social ranking, and the layers and levels of authority. How do we negotiate the architecture of society within the limitations of our position within it?
Perpetual Motion
Rabbanit Dr. Michal Tikochinsky