Prohibition of Eating the Gid HaNasheh
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The Chizkuni — R. Chizkiya ben Manoach
Dr. Avigail RockThe Chizkuni wrote a comprehensive commentary on the Torah, and his style is very clear and accessible.
It appears that the Chizkuni had three aims in composing his commentary on the Torah:
· To collect all the explanations in keeping with the peshat from the works of the commentators who preceded him.
· To explain Rashi’s’ commentary by adding or changing to Rashi's words, by resolving difficulties in Rashi, and by pointing out inconsistencies in Rashi’s commentary.
· To write an independent commentary on the Torah. Despite the fact that the Chizkuni utilizes many commentaries for the purposes of writing his work, there are more than a few original commentaries to be found in its lines, characterized mainly by his attempt to understand reality and the psychological motivations of the characters in each narrative.
Ritual Non-Consumption
Rabbanit Dr. Michal Tikochinsky