Serving God
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"At That Time Hashem Distinguished the Tribe of Levi"
Rabbi Amnon BazakThe selection of the Leviim includes two aspects: Secondary assistance to the primary servers of God – the Kohanim - and primary servers of God on the basis of their actions at the sin of the Golden Calf. The second aspect is prominent in the description of the Leviim in the Book of Devarim, despite the fact that it has no practical implication.
Yeshayahu 42-43 - Matan Al HaPerek
Rabbi David SabatoChapters 42-43 and afterward are made up of short prophetic speeches that deal with the redemption of the People, their special relationship with God, and their national and universal destiny as a "Light Unto the Nations."
Chapter 42 opens with a description of the Servant of God and ends by turning to Him. In the middle verses, the inhabitants of the ends of the earth are called to sing to God of valor. Chapter 43 opens with a heralding of the Redemption. After that, God calls the nations of the world to Judgment, as the People of Israel serve as witnesses to God's acts of salvation in history.
Yeshayahu 48-49 - Matan Al HaPerek
Rabbi David SabatoIn contrast to the majority of the prophecies that we've encountered up until now, in which the prophet argues with the idol worshippers outside the nation of Israel; in these chapters the prophet deals with other difficulties from within Israel.
In Chapter 48, the prophet addresses the Babylonian exiles with a harsh rebuke for being unfaithful to God. In the continuation, he details the supremacy of God over the idols, and his dominion and power over the world and throughout history.
Chapter 49 opens with the prophecy of the “Suffering Servant” and then continues by depicting a dialogue between Zion, who is in despair, and God, who consoles her, describing the strength of their connection and promising the return of the children to their borders.
Yeshayahu 52-53 - Matan Al HaPerek
Rabbi David SabatoChapter 52 describes the future redemption as a redemption that is grander than the Exodus from Egypt. Chapter 5 discusses the "Servant of God" and despicts the transformation of his status and of the attitude of the Nations toward him.
As the LORD had commanded Moshe
Rabbanit Dr. Michal TikochinskyA Student’s Guide to Confront Evil from Within and Without
The Structure & Story of Book I
Dr. Beni Gesundheit | Hour and 9 minutesUnit IV, Tehillim 35-41
Tehillim 35-41, the last unit in Book I, close both the unit and the entire first book. The spiritual development of the individual is shown in a linear progression through these mizmorim. Once David recuperates from his illness and is saved from his enemies, he works to correct wrongdoings and build the world, internalizing the teachings of the Torah and of Tehillim 1-34, so that he can do God’s will and live a Torah life. As a servant of God, he wants to influence all those listening to be involved in Tikun Olam.