Rabbi David Milston
Found 3 Search results
Definitions of Churban - The Comfort of Eternity
Rabbi David Milstonתאריך פרסום: תש"ע | |
From the depths of mourning throughout the difficult times leading to Tisha B'av we can view Parshat Va'etchanan as the ultimate parsha of comfort. By closely examining the message of the parsha and its haftara of Nachamu we can understand the importance of Eretz Yisrael, the nature of our relationship with God, and the meaning of true redemption.
It's How You Say It - The Final Rebuke of Moshe Rabbeinu
Rabbi David Milston | Hour and 11 minutesThe Torah commands us to rebuke someone who is acting in a wrong manner. However, delivering such rebuke can be challenging and counterproductive. As parents and educators, how can our rebukes be productive and helpful and not harmful? We turn to Moshe during his last speech to Israel prior to entering the land as the model of successful and productive rebuke, learning from the various tactics he employs and applying them to our own lives.
From Bereishit to Beracha
A Synopsis of the Five Chumshei Torah
Rabbi David Milstonתאריך פרסום: תשעד | | Hour and 3 minutes
In this shiur, we survey the Chumash - from Parashat Bereisheet to Vezot Haberacha. The aim is to define ach sefer to a degree and try to show a connection between them. When we look at the Torah in this way, we see how the Torah, from Bereisheet to Beracha, can be viewed as following each other - from the wrestling with the Torah's values, to the emerging peoplehood, to the ideal, reality, and summmary. and we can see how the values and the rules of the Torah interact and coexist.