Rabbi Shalom Berger
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Avraham's Mission
Rabbi Shalom BergerWe find a "correction" in Vayera of several problematic episodes in Lekh Lekha.
The "atonement" is the acceptance that it is God who is in charge, and that it is God's promises and covenants that are eternal and are to be relied upon. God's promise of a permanent relationship with Avraham's descendants in the land that He promised can only be realized when Avraham (and his descendants) recognize their responsibility and obligation to His covenants.
The blessings of the nations are dependent on Avraham and his descendants taking their rightful place in the world. Avraham must recognize his place and the place of his family in the land, and he must teach them of the covenants - the personal and national britot with God - through which God can keep His promises to Avraham's descendants; thus, he will offer blessings to all of the nations of the world.
How Awesome Is This Place! Where Was It That Jacob Became Awestruck?
Rabbi Shalom Berger | Hour and 3 minutesAlthough the Torah makes it clear that Jacob's vision takes place in Bet El/Luz, Rashi - based on midrashim - suggests various ways to place the vision in Jerusalem. In this class we discuss the textual challenges that encourage the midrashim to break with the simple reading of the text and analyze the recurring use of the expression "HaMakom" - The Place - in Jacob's story. The analysis is largely based on understanding "the Place that God will choose" as the location where many commandments are to be performed, as taught in Sefer Devarim. Ultimately we will examine the need that human beings have to commune with God in a specific place, and whether we can conceive of God being limited in such a way.