Rabbi Yitzchak Levi
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Why Does the Chumash Not Mention Jerusalem by Name?
Rabbi Yitzchak LeviSurprisingly, nowhere in the Pentateuch is Jerusalem mentioned by its full name. We encounter “Jerusalem” (Yerushalayim) for the first time in the Book of Yehoshua. Of course, there are innumerable mentions of Jerusalem throughout the rest of the Neviim and Ketuvim. However, while the Torah (i.e., the Chumash) does not mention Jerusalem explicitly, there are several hints to the city.
Why is Jerusalem not mentioned in the Torah by its full name? Aided by classical commentators, we explore a few explanations. Each of these explanations emphasizes a different aspect of the significance of Jerusalem.
Jerusalem - City of Justice
Rabbi Yitzchak LeviWe attempt to show that the spiritual character of Jerusalem and the Temple are bound up with justice. Jerusalem is a place that expresses the source and essence of justice, and the absence of justice in this place leads to its destruction.
Jerusalem – which is called tzedek, justice – fundamentally expresses the principle of justice; without it, this city cannot exist.
(This is an abridged selection from Rav Levi's VBM course on Jerusalem in the Bible.)
The Significance of the Name "Jerusalem"
Rabbi Yitzchak LeviIn this shiur we examine the significance of the name Jerusalem. The common view prevalent among Chazal is that the city embodies two aspects, based upon Avram's encounter with Malki-Tzedek King of Shalem, and the Akeida. Based on Chazal's teaching, we present various understandings of the essence of the city and its character, as expressed both in Avraham himself and in the history of the city throughout the generations.
Through its name, Jerusalem hints at the fundamental connection between the two parts of the city: if justice is absent from the city, the Holy One will not want His Presence to rest there.
Translated by Kaeren Fish