A cursory glance at the book of Nehemya makes it clear that many of the concerns encountered in Ezra remain relevant in Nehemya: the arrival of a new leader on the scene; opposition from the indigenous population; the importance and challenges of construction; censuses of the olim; and mass ignorance and repentance.
While both Ezra and Nehemya arrive under grave circumstances – each travels to Jerusalem at great personal sacrifice to guide a struggling community – there are a number of obvious differences between the two.
Upon hearing the news of the state of Jerusalem Nehemya launches into prayer. Nehemya, much more so than Ezra, laces his tefilla with rich allusions to prior Torah texts and personalities. The Jewish community was rudderless, lacking in leadership and direction, and unable to provide basic security for its residents. The only way he would feel secure in making his request from the king was by first invoking some of his outstanding predecessors throughout Jewish history: Moshe, Aaron, David, and Shlomo.