Study Questions for Tikun Leil Shavuot
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1. Read the following sources carefully; they include every instance in which Shavuot is mentioned in the Torah:
A. Shmot 23:14-17 / 34:22-24;
B. Vayikra 23:15-21;
C. Bamidbar 28:26;
D. Dvarim 16:9-12.
In each of the above, what is the reason for celebration?
What is the primary mitzvah which must be performed on Shavuot?
2. Is the fact that Shavuot commemorates Matan Torah ever
mentioned in any of these sources? Why not?
3. Does Chumash ever mention precisely when Matan Torah
took place? Read Shmot 19:1-2 carefully, see Rashi.
What can we infer from Shmot 24:15-16?
4. Given that Yom Kippur marks the date on which Moshe came
down with the second Luchot, and based on the description
of the events of chet ha'egel is Dvarim 9:9-10:11 (note the
mention of forty days in 9:9,18,25 & 10:10), can we determine a
more precise date for Matan Torah?
5. Does the Torah tell us the precise date of when we left
Egypt? Is that date commemorated? How many other specific
mitzvot commemorate Yetziat Mitzrayim? How many specific
mitzvot commemorate Matan Torah?
Why do you think the Torah never tells us the precise date of
Matan Torah?
In other words, in what way is the event of Matan Torah
different that Yetziat Mitzrayim? See Rashi Shmot 19:1!
6. In the Torah's presentation of the other two "shalosh
r'galim", chag ha'matzot and chag ha'succot, we find
mention of their historical significance (Shmot 13:3-7,
Vayikra 23:43) as well as their agricultural perspective.
In what way is Shavuot different?
Had Bnei Yisrael been worthy and thus gone directly from
Mitzrayim to Har Sinai, when would have Matan Torah taken
place? Would Shavuot still have been celebrated? If so, when?
7. Where in Parshat Emor (Vayikra perek 23) do you think
the historical aspect of Shavuot should have been
mentioned? [Relate to 23:9-22, especially pasuk 22!]
Does pasuk 22 belong where it is? Is there any similar pasuk
anywhere else in Vayikra perek 23?
Where does pasuk 22 belong (see Vayikra 19:9)?
Now, read Vayikra 19:1-18, noting the use of the phrase "Ani
Hashem", and the parallel between these mitzvot and the dibrot!
Where is this 'shared pasuk' with Parshat Emor located? Could
there be a hidden connection here to Matan Torah?
8. Note that in the special korban that comes with the "shtei
ha'lechem" in Emor (23:17-19), a korban shlamim is included.
This is the only time during the entire year when the "tzibur"
offers a korban shlamim. Relate this to the special korban
offered at Ma'amad Har Sinai (Shmot 24:4-6).
Note that the only other instance when Bnei Yisrael offered a
shlamim was during the dedication of the Mishkan "b'yom
ha'Shmini" (see Vayikra 9:1-4).
Try to explain the significance of this korban shlamim?
9. How does the dedication of the Mishkan relate to Matan
Torah? (See shiur on Parshat Trumah- Tzaveh.)
The other special korban brought on "Yom Ha'Shmini" (the seir
l'chatat of the Am and "par chatat" of Aharon etc.) finds its
parallel in the korban tzibur offered on Yom Kippur. Relate this to
the connection between Matan Torah and Yom Kippur (the day
Moshe descended Har Sinai with the second luchot!).
Why do you think that these two aspects of the "yom ha'shmini"
korban (the chatat and shlamim), continue in this manner on
these two holidays (Yom Kippur and Shavuot)?
10. Another special law concerning the "shtei ha'lechem" is the
fact that it is to be baked "chametz". How does this relate to
chag ha'matzot, and the connection between chag ha'matzot
and chag ha'shavuot.
How do the special agricultural mitzvot of these two holidays
relate to the nature of the historical events which they