The prophet Zechariah lived and prophesied in the early days of the Second Temple. His prophecies mention the prominent figures of his generation – Chaggai, Zerubavel, and Yehoshua the high priest. Zechariah’s first prophecy, in perek 1, was given two weeks after Chaggai called for the building of the Temple, and his last prophecy was given about two years later. Like Chaggai, Zechariah encouraged the building of the Temple- in his own unique prophetic style. The book of Zechariah is divided into two distinct sections- 1-8 and 9-14. The unique character of Zechariah’s prophecy is prominent in the first section in which we are presented with a series of exceptional prophetic visions seen by Zechariah, with prophecies interposed between them. The second section of the book has visions which are mostly about the fate of the nations of the world. 

Courtesy of Matan Al HaPerek, Directed by Dr. Navah Cohen