First Kohen Gadol of Israel, older brother of Moshe, son of Amram and Yocheved. Aharon marries Elisheva bat Nachshon and has four sons: Nadav, Avihu, Elazar, Itamar. God sends Aharon to meet Moshe on the latter's journey to Egypt and serves as Moshe's spokesman when dealing with Pharaoh at the beginning of Sefer Shemot. Aharon is 83 years old when he and his brother appeal to Pharaoh to let the Israelites leave. When God sends plagues to the land of Egypt, Aharon assists his brother Moshe in introducing these punishments.
God commands Moshe to fashion special clothes for Aharon and his sons, the Kohanim, to wear when serving in the Mishkan, for they will be the Kohanim who will serve in the Mishkan. Following the revelation at Mount Sinai, Moshe ascends the mountain for forty days and forty nights to receive law from God. At the end of this mission the people become anxious because Moshe has not returned, and demand that Aharon fashion them a god. Aharon tells the people to collect and donate their gold jewelry from which he creates a golden calf. When Moshe does return soon after, carrying the tablets of the law - Luchot Ha'Edut, he is incensed that the nation is practicing idolatry and smashes the tablets on the ground. Moshe confronts his brother, demanding to know how the nation forced him to construct the idol. Aharon answers that the people are wicked.
Aharon is appointed to serve as the Kohen Gadol and his sons are selected to assist him. Aharon's elder two sons, Nadav and Avihu, are struck dead by God for bringing an inappropriate incense offering. Aharon and his sister Miriam speak disrespectfully about Moshe. This angers God who strikes Miriam with leprosy. Aharon begs Moshe to pray to God on Miriam's behalf.
Aharon and Moshe's cousin Korach challenges their leadership and Moshe defends his brother by proposing that the 250 men of Korach offer incense along with Aharon to see whose is accepted by God. The test is not actually completed because Korach and his men are killed by God. The people then complain that Moshe and Aharon have killed God's nation. God sends a plague against Bnei Yisrael which kills an additional 14,700 people, before the incense offered by Aharon serves to atone for the people's sins and the plague ends. To prove that Aharon has been chosen by God, the chief of each tribe is ordered to surrender his staff with his name written on it. These twelve are placed alongside that of Aharon in the Ohel Moed and left overnight. In the morning Aharon's staff blossoms and bears almonds proving that he is God's choice. The miraculous staff is put aside as a memorial for the episode.
In the 40th year of the desert journey, the people once again find themselves without water (at a place to be called Mei Meriva) and complain to Moshe, claiming that it would have been better to die of plague or to remain in Egypt than to die of thirst. God tells Moshe and Aharon to speak to a rock and to draw water from it. Moshe hits the rock twice and water pours out. God says that their action showed a lack of faith in God, and since they did not sanctify Him in front of Israel they will be punished by not being allowed to enter the land of Israel. Aharon dies soon after. Moshe and Elazar (Aharon's son) accompany Aharon up the mountain where Aharon's priestly garments are transferred to Elazar. Aharon lives to 123 and is mourned for 30 days.
Adapted from by Staff