Teruma is about how to build the mishkan. But what is Parashat Tetzave about? When we look at the parasha, ninety percent is about the Kohanim. These parashot form a dual whole about the construction of the Mikdash as a working building.
Close to the end of this week's parsha, the Torah sums up. But then there is a description of the Korban Tamid - the Daily Sacrifice, in a passage which is basically identical to one Parashat Pinhas. Why are there two identical sections about the Tamid, and what is it doing here in the Book of Shemot, instead of Vayikra or Bemidbar? The placement and unique aspect of giving of the Tamid at the opening of the Tent of Meeting in our parasha relates to a purpose of the Mishkan (And Mikdash): developing a relationship with God so that God will dwell within our midst.