Is the state of “Tum’a” merely a post-Sinaitic halakhic construct, or is it something else, something that existed earlier? We focus on the passage of Yaakov’s instructions to purify the camp after his sons’ revenge on Shechem (in the book of Bereisheet), as well as the “three days” before the Giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai and the commandment about the Parah Aduma (Red Heifer), to better understand the concepts of Tum’a and Tahara. Statements of Haza”l, various midrashic literature, commentary, Targum, the Kuzari, and other Jewish sources aid us in our analysis of the Biblical passages and in our quest to define and understand Tum’a and Tahara.
Yemei Iyun be-Tanakh - תשע"ד