Pesukei deZimra: the Concluding Mizmorim of Tehillim (145, 146-150)

How do these concluding Mizmorim of the Book of Tehillim contribute to the narrative of the book? And why were they chosen to be an integral part of the daily Shacharit prayers?

In Tehila 145 David praises God for the last time and invites the entire world to follow him; indeed in 146-150, that is what King David's audience does. The final Mizmorim that conclude the Book of Tehillim display a subtle tension between God’s unique covenant with the Jewish people and the universal vision for the future of the world. Intertextual and contextual observations reveal the historical background of the 2nd Temple period and the philosophical messages of this final unit of the entire book of Tehillim: everybody - Jews and Gentiles alike - are encouraged to join King David's praise of God  in the rebuilt city Zion; all citizens of Zion and all nations will join till the entire universe and every soul will praise God - HALLELUYAH.