Cain is known for committing the first murder, but before his crime, the Torah makes it look like he also brought the first sacrifice. What was wrong with his korban? Why did God accept the offering of his brother Hevel, but not that of Cain?  Why doesn't Cain get credit at least for ingenuity?  We will attempt to answer these questions through a close reading of the Hebrew text and an analysis of the theological meanings of the different gifts one might give to God.

This shiur delves into ideas about what korbanot are, the good and bad aspects of being a shepherd or working the land, and the meaning of ma’aser (tithing) as representing a partnership. In light of the above, the text is re-examined, assumptions are rejected, and penetrating insights emerge about Cain, Hevel, and the mindset behind Cain and Hevel in their acts of offering to God.


Yemei Iyun be-Tanakh - תשע"ה