Approaching God

Found 6 Search results

  1. Each Man His Fire Pan: On The Deaths of Nadav and Avihu (Audio)

    Rabbi Chanoch Waxman |

    This shiur looks at the tragic death of Nadav and Avihu, and explores possible explanations for their death. More than merely straying into the precinct at the wrong time, it seems that they may have had fatal misconceptions what it means to function as a priest, and that they had fundamentally misunderstood the connection between coming close and attention to the Divine command.

  2. How to Divide the Ten Commandments

    Rabbi Alex Israel

    The Ten Commandments are maybe the best-known of all Jewish laws. They are perceived widely as a universal code of ethics. Within Judaism, they are one of the most prominent symbols of the faith. This article investigates certain aspects of this group of laws, namely, their unusual format and their unique message of the two different ways of approaching God. 

  3. Encountering God

    Rabbi Alex Israel

  4. Mishlei - Part 11: Wisdom Before Creation

    Rabbi Shlomo Dov Rosen | 40 minutes

    The eleventh part of our series looks at the majority of the second half of the eighth chapter of Mishlei. This section contains some of the most philosophical parts of the book. We will aim for a literary reading, but our reading will bring out some philosophical ideas which we will see in context. We encounter the tension between the ideas that pride is antithetical to wisdom, but knowledge is power.  We consider the concept of God as Creator and “acquirer” of the world, and relate it to the story of Malkitzedek and Avraham, who wanted God’s name to infuse society.

    What does it mean that God created wisdom before forming the universe? The basis for coming closer to God is translating the wisdom that preceded existence into our reality. Once it plays out in reality, it becomes a delight to human beings.

  5. Why Did God Reject Nadav and Avihu?

    Rabbi David Fohrman |

    In this week's parsha, we see the sudden and disturbing death of two of Aaron's sons, Nadav and Avihu. In exploring the text more closely, what earlier Biblical story shows parallel themes and language to this story, and what is the meaning behind this connection?


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  6. VaYetze: G-d is Against Me

    Rabbi Jay Kelman