Avner ben Ner

Found 5 Search results

  1. Murdering with Guile

    Rabbi Yaakov Medan

    To which murderer is the Torah referring when it states “you shall take him from My altar to die”? Chazal’s interpretation included only one who murders intentionally with premeditation, as opposed to one who murders accidentally. The verses, however, include a third type of murderer who is a composite of the first two types. He murders intentionally, but pretends to have done so unknowingly. It is concerning this murderer that the Torah commands that he be removed from the place of his refuge, from the 'altar,' and put to death. Examples exist throughout the biblical text, from Cain who murders Hevel, through Yoav ben Tzeruya’s murder of Avner, Amasa and Uriya, to Yishmael ben Netanya who murders Gedaliya ben Achikam.

  2. The First Split of the Kingdom

    Chapter 2 (I)

    Rabbi Amnon Bazak

    Chapter 2 discusses the first period of David’s monarchy over Judah in Hebron. Why was David’s first order of business to turn to the people of Yavesh Gilad? Who is to blame for the division of Israel into two monarchies – with Ish Boshet ruling over Israel and David ruling over Judah?

  3. The Battle by the Pool in Giv'on (Part II) - The Sons of David in Hebron

    Chapter 2 (III) Chapter 3 (I)

    Rabbi Amnon Bazak

    This lesson will complete our study of the battle at the pool in Givon, and examine what could be derived from the story about Asael and Avner. We will also discuss the list of David's sons, born in Hebron, and examine the riddle of Kilav's disappearance from the battles of inheritance in the house of David.

  4. Avner Crosses Over To David's Camp

    Chapter 3 (II)

    Rabbi Amnon Bazak

    Avner ben Ner gets into trouble with Ish Boshet regarding Ritzpah bat Aya, and deserts his camp and joins David. What is the reason behind the disagreement? Why does David ask that Shaul, Michal's daughter, is returned to him? Was taking Michal from Palti ben Layish the correct thing to do?

  5. Yoav Kills Avner

    Chapter 3 (III)

    Rabbi Amnon Bazak

    Avner's attempt to unify the kingdom fails when he is killed by Yoav. What is the attitude projected by the narrative toward this episode? How does David react?