Avraham a blessing to the nations

Found 7 Search results

  1. Avraham's Blessing

    Rabbi Yehuda Rock

    God shares with Avraham his intentions to destroy Sodom; because he God’s emissary for realizing the entire Divine plan of bringing the world to "bend the knee" before God. The fate of Sodom is born out of the conclusion arrived at through that discussion between God and Avraham; who are jointly responsible for introducing the way of God into the world.

  2. "They Who Wait Upon God Shall Renew Their Strength" (Yishayahu 40:27-41:16)

    Rabbi Yehuda Shaviv

    Avraham's character teaches all future generations what it means to love God, how God selects His nation, and encounters with the nations of the world - both in battle against them and also by bringing them into the worship of God. 

  3. Those Who Curse Avraham

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  4. Universalism vs. Particularism: Avraham Falls on His Face

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  5. Cursing the Cursers or Showing Them the Light?

    Reuven Weiser

  6. Avraham's Eshel and the Central Beam of the Temple

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  7. A World of Avraham's Descendants

    Rabbi David Silverberg