Biblical personalities
Found 7 Search results
The Drama of Rachav
Rabbi Mosheh Lichtensteinתאריך פרסום: תשע"ב | |
Who is Rahav? Why does she help the Israelite spies? And why is it is necessary to mention her occupation? Our assumption is that the information is necessary for the story, and that more than merely explaining military techniques, we can learn something deeper about the human interaction between Rahav and the spies. Haza”l’s comments on Rahav’s background and our close reading of chapter 2 in the book of Yehoshua help us to discover how she may have come to be who she was at the critical moment where we meet her in the Biblical text. Our analysis of Rahav’s personality and her interaction with the spies leads us to explore topics such as societal alienation, corruption and contrasting values, and other biblical female models of self-sacrifice.
Of Angels, Pillars and Brothers (Audio)
Rabbi Chanoch Waxman | 25 minutesThe end of the Parshat Vayetzeh contains significant motifs that parallel the beginning of the parsha. This structure highlights a contrast between Yaakov at the beginning of the Parsha and the person he becomes at the end. Yaakov’s interaction with Lavan shows him the problematic road which he had been following. By the end of the process, Yaakov separates himself physically and psychologically from Lavan.
Educating Joseph
Rabbi Alex Israel | 38 minutesBereisheet contains many stories illustrating dynamic character transformations, demonstrating that people can overcome natural tendencies to improve. What does the story of Potiphar’s wife (from the following parsha) contribute to this end? Remarkable self-restraint is evident, but how is the story relevant to Yosef’s problems with his brothers, or to his management ability? Why is his success followed by further punishment and exile? There is another key aspect to the story.
Vayehi: What if Yosef bears a grudge?
Rabbi David Silverberg | 47 minutesWhat suddenly prompts the brothers to fear that Yosef will take retributive action against them? We examine a midrash depicting Yosef’s changed behavior, and we analyze different possible explanations for their mindset and for Yosef’s apparent changed behavior toward them.
Naaman: Humility and Hubris
A Close Reading of II Kings Chapter 5
Rabbi Alex Israelתאריך פרסום: תשע"ד | |
This shiur focuses on the story of Naaman, the army general of the king of Aram during the days of the prophet Elisha. Our analysis of the long narrative about Naaman brings us to a new understanding of the story. As well as a message about the power of Kiddush HaShem (Sanctifying the name of God) which jumps out after a first glance, we find a study of hierarchy, social ranking, and the layers and levels of authority. How do we negotiate the architecture of society within the limitations of our position within it?
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