Birkat Kohanim
Found 3 Search results
The Mishkan and the Nazir
Prof. Jonathan GrossmanThis article explores the meaning of the mitzvot in Parashat Naso, which define its significance of the Mishkan in day-to-day life.
The Unity of Parashat Naso
Rabbi Alex Israel | 37 minutesNaso is a long parasha, with various topics strung together (such as Gezel ha-Ger; Sotah, Nazir, and Birkat Kohanim). This shiur maps out the content and then seeks to explain the juxtaposition of the topics in this parsha which ultimately form a coherent whole.
Parshat Naso
Rabbi Jonathan Snowbell | 28 minutesMany of the topics in Parshat Naso seem to belong in Sefer Vayikra rather than in Sefer Bamidbar- Korbanot, Nazir, Sotah, Birkat Kohanim, etc. However, upon closer examination of each story, we can gain an understanding as to their connection to the nation, to the machane, and to the mishkan, and therefore why these are in fact appropriately placed in Sefer Bamidbar.