The Brothers come to Egypt
Found 17 Search results
Family Healing
Rabbi Alex Israel | 38 minutesYosef acts like a hostile stranger when his brothers come to Egypt. Even if one could understand his behavior toward his brothers, he must know that his charade causes pain for Yaakov. How could he do this to his father, and why does Yosef frame Binyamin? Ultimately, the story touches upon mistakes of long ago and offers a chance for renewal and atonement.
Ramban on Parshat Miketz - But We are Guilty For Our Brother
Rabbi Ezra Bick | 31 minutesWhen the brothers are accused of being spies and one is held hostage in Egypt until the return of the others, their reaction is to see this as punishment for their cruelty to Yosef many years before. They recall that they ignored his pleading to them from the pit. Apparently, they view their passive cruelty as justifying a greater punishment than the sale itself!
We compare their view with Ramban’s ideas about the relative value of intentions, personality, and actions as they relate to Avraham’s test during Akeidat Yitzhak, and compare Avraham at the Akeida with the story and transformation of the brothers.
What has God Done to Us - or Were We Responsible
Rabbi David SilverbergFrom Food to Calamity to Hope - a Midrash on Yaakov and Grain
Rabbi David SilverbergYaakov to his Sons: Do Not Appear Satiated
Rabbi David SilverbergGrief at Finding Money in the Sacks
Rabbi David SilverbergWhy did One Brother Need to Open his Sack Early?
Rabbi David SilverbergPrisoner or Prisoners: Yosef's Change of Heart
Rabbi David SilverbergA Strange Way for Yaakov to Ask his Sons to Go to Egypt
Rabbi David SilverbergAccusing the Brothers of Spying
Rabbi David SilverbergYaakov and his Sons: Why Did You Do That?!
Rabbi David SilverbergWhy did the Brothers Drink?
Rabbi David SilverbergYosef's Brothers and Pharaoh: What is Your Profession?
Rabbi David SilverbergWhy Yosef Wanted his Brothers to be Shepherds
Rabbi David SilverbergYosef to the Brothers: Drop the Issue
Rabbi David SilverbergThe Connections and Sacrifice of the Brothers
Rabbi David SilverbergMikketz: Suspects
Rabbanit Dr. Michal Tikochinsky