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First War against Pelishtim (III)
Chapters 13-14 (Part III)
Rabbi Amnon BazakShaul's passiveness in the battle is contrasted with Jonathan's activism, when Jonathan seeks a sign that God approves of his actions. This lesson will discuss whether the sign is based on a logical analysis, and whether Jonathan's actions were a transgression of the prohibition of divination.
The Casting of the Lot
Prof. Jonathan GrossmanThis article explains the meaning and significance of the Lottery ("Pur"). The world of magic is often linked with Rachel and her descendants. Haman's lottery was performed during the celebration of the Babylonian New Year, and reflects a deterministic worldview. We will compare the Haman's lottery to the High Priest's lottery on Yom Kippur, and Joshua's lottery for dividing and distributing the land.
The Prohibition of Divination: Rambam vs. the Sages of Provence
Rabbi Elchanan SametThe Rambam disagrees with the Raavad and Sages of Provence on the definition of the prohibition of divination. While the disagreement is halakhic in form, a deeper look reveals an essential disagreement about the correct way to worship God.
The Image of the Snake - Between Gan Eden, the Exodus and the Entering of Eretz Yisrael
Rabbi Dov Berkovitsתאריך פרסום: תשע"ה | |
The image of the snake addresses fundamental issues of free will, good and evil, life and death. We will explore the richness of the text in the Gan Eden story and in the appearances of the snake in the formative events that shaped the spirit of Bnei Yisrael to deepen our understanding of the Torah's approach to the challenge of being human.
Walk Before Me and Be Tamim
Rabbi David Silverberg