The Eighth Day
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The Eighth Day and the Sin of Nadav and Avihu
Prof. Jonathan GrossmanWhat was the sin of Nadav and Avihu? This article offers an explanation related to the status and function of the kohanim, and the standing of non-kohanim in relation to the Divine Presence.
The Omer, the Counting of the Omer, and the Festival of Shavuot
Rabbi Yehuda RockWhat is the significance of Sefirat Haomer - counting the omer? Does the counting only have historical significance, commemorating the weeks between the Exodus and the Giving of the Torah, or is there agricultural significance as well? Why is a public peace offering (shelamim) only brought on Shavuot, and what is the connection between Shavuot and the eighth day of the Miluim? And what is the significance of waving the Omer?
The Dedication of the Mikdash
Rabbi Alex IsraelThe Dedication of the Mikdash, the dedication of the Mishkan and Matan Torah at Sinai, the three foundational national events of collective revelation are linked together. This chapter raise several issues rearding the Mikdash:
- The Mikdash as a place of prayer and a conduit for all prayer, from near or far
- Is the Mikdash a place for God or a place for man?
- The place of the non-Jew in the Mikdash
The dedication concludes with God's promise that his sanctity dwelling in the Mikdash is conditional on keeping the Mitzvot.
From Seven to Eight
Rabbi Menachem LeibtagWhat links Brit Milla, the Metzora, the Eighth Day of Miluim, and Shmini Atzeret? The number seven represents nature, and the number eight represents that which transcends nature.
From Breishit to Shmot
Rabbi Menachem LeibtagWhen Yaakov and family depart for Egypt, are they planning to make Egypt their permanent home, or are they planning just a short visit?
Yaakov fears that his departure to Egypt may be against God's will or possibly even a threat to his bechira. The unique Korbanot that Yaakov offers in Beer Sheva are thanksgiving for the reunification of the family and the realization of the completion of the twelve tribes.
God's message to Yaakov reveals the upcoming slavery in Egypt but also the growth of an entire out of the seventy descendants to Egypt.
The Revelation of God's Glory upon the Altar, and the Deaths of Nadav and Avihu
Rabbi Dr. Tamir GranotThis article focuses on the description of the dedication of the copper altar and its function, as well as the nature of God’s revelation in the Mishkan. Our investigation of these subjects will help us answer some famous questions arising from Parashat Shemini- the sin and punishment of Nadav and Avihu.
Moshe, Aharon, and the Se'ir Hachatat
Rabbi Jonathan Snowbell | 10 minutesFollowing the sin and deaths of Nadav and Avihu, there is a somewhat unclear conversation between Aharon and Moshe regarding Aharon and his remaining sons’ obligation to mourn, and Moshe rebukes them for burning the sacrifice of the Se’ir Hachatat instead of eating it. What is at the root of this dialogue? What is the meaning behind Aharon’s response? A close analysis of the text and some of the classical commentaries reveals several answers to these questions, and also relates to a greater question of Biblical exegesis and the relationship between Oral and Written law.
Shemini: A Roller Coaster of Emotions
Rabbi Jonathan Snowbell | 20 minutesWe examine the quintessential "Yom HaShemini" ("The Eighth Day) - the roller coaster of emotions that transpires on this culmination of the Seven days of preparation for the Dedication of the Mishkan. This day of great tension is meant to include Divine Revelation in the Mishkan, showing that God has forgiven Israel for the Golden Calf, at least to the extent that He will once again show Himself to be in their midst. This is also the day the Mishkan becomes operative with Aharon as Kohen Gadol, despite his role in the Sin of the Golden Calf.
But there is a delay. What accounts for the delayed revelation? Does something go wrong? We consider the complicated mix of emotions as the revelatory moment comes at the same time as the deaths of Nadav and Avihu, and look at the significance of other important "eighth days."
Parshat Shemini Part 1: Yom haShemini - Climax & Commencement
Shani Taragin | 26 minutesWhy are the seven days of miluim necessary? What do they represent? This podcast begins Parshat Shemini by addressing these questions, and exploring the significance of the Yom Hashemini.
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Parshat Shemini Part 2: Nadav and Avihu in the Line Of Fire
Shani Taragin | 30 minutesThis podcast continues the discussion of the Yom Hashmini, the eighth day of the dedication of the Mishkan, and discuss its power in atoning for the sin of the golden calf. We also learn about the tragic deaths of Nadav and Avihu and explore various suggestions among the commentators as to the nature of their sin.
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