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Korach and the Power of Democracy
Rabbi Alex Israel | 39 minutesOne troubling aspect of Parshat Korah is that the rebellion never dies down. That seems to be because there are real issues here - Moshe and Aharon seem to have all the closeness to God, and the people do not share in the leadership or decision-making. So what was the problem with Korach? Is it possible for non-Leviim to attain holiness? The example of Shmuel ha-Navi provides a key.
Complaints after the Ketoret Test
Rabbi David SilverbergParshat Korach Part 3: The Plague in the Aftermath of the Rebellion
Rabbi Jonathan Snowbell | 25 minutesThis podcast discusses the Divine fire that consumed the 250 men who offered the Ketoret, and compares this story with the episode of Nadav and Avihu.
Courtesy of www.tanachstudy.com