Kivrot Ha-Taava
Found 5 Search results
Parashat Yitro
Rabbi Yaakov MedanWhy did Yitro come to the camp? Was his advice to Moshe sage? Did Moshe follow his advice? When did Yitro arrive at the camp, and when did the parallel episodes of appointing elders and judges occur? Why was the punishment of the sinners at Kivrot Ha-Ta’ava so severe, and what is the difference between the requests for meat in Beha’alotekha and in Shelah?
Zealousness for Moshe
Prof. Jonathan GrossmanWhy was the episode of Kivrot Ha-Taava; Moshe’s breaking point? What is the essential difference between this episode and all of the other complaints of Bnei Yisrael?
Moshe vs. "the Lustful": Leadership in Crisis
Rabbi Elchanan SametAn analysis of the episodes of the Mitonenim (the complainers) and the Mitavim (those who desired meat) clarifies the essence of the complaints, and examines the solution God offers: the seventy elders and the prophecy of Eldad and Medad.
Of Lusts and Laments
Rabbi Chanoch WaxmanMoshe's response to the "mitavim" - the people who desired meat - differs from his previous reactions to the sins and complaints of Bnei Yisrael. What's the reason for his changed attitude? Is there a connection between the sin of "those who desired meat" and the departure of Yitro?
Meat vs. Spirit
Rabbi Alex Israel | 40 minutesChapter 11 in Bemidbar relays the story of Kivrot ha-taava. How many stories are in the chapter? Three main questions are explored: Why does the structure of this parsha mix together two stories? Why is Moshe in such a crisis? And what is the significance of the story of the 70 Elders at this juncture?