The Maapilim
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Rabbi Ezra BickThe root עלה - 'alah' - is used frequently in the stories of the Spies and the Ma'apilim. The meaning of the biblical verb transcends the physical or geographical - and indicates a determined and deliberate effort. The argument between Moshe, Yehoshua, and Caleb with the spies and Ma'apilim focuses on the concept of "Aliya." In order to succeed in performing God's command, one must muster their might and act with determination despite the odds and visible reality.
Aliya (Audio)
Rabbi Ezra Bick | 14 minutesThe root עלה - 'alah' - is used frequently in the stories of the Spies and the Ma'apilim. The meaning of the biblical verb transcends the physical or geographical - and indicates a determined and deliberate effort. The argument between Moshe, Yehoshua, and Caleb with the spies and Ma'apilim focuses on the concept of "Aliya." In order to succeed in performing God's command, one must muster their might and act with determination despite the odds and visible reality.
Taking Care Not to be Too Careful
Rabbanit Dr. Michal TikochinskyParshat Shelach Part 4: The Ma'apilim and the Nesachim Additions to Sacrifices
Rabbi Jonathan Snowbell | 26 minutesThis podcast discusses Bnei Yisrael’s attempt to repent for the sin of the spies, and compares this account with the version in Devarim. We then learn about the first halachic topic that follows this story- that of the nesachim that are brought alongside offerings, and discuss its context and relevance at this point in Sefer Bemidbar.
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