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The Naziriteship of Shimshon
Haftarot: Naso
Rabbi Mosheh LichtensteinManoah and his wife appear to be passive characters, which don't even pray to God to resolve their infertility. On the other hand, Shimshon is a described as energetic, passionate, and impulsive. His nazirite is meant to channel these qualities to a positive place. Parashat Naso presents the nazirite as a mitzvah that leads to kedusha, while the haftara emphasizes the problems that stem from becoming a nazir.
The Birth of Shimshon the Nazirite
Rabbi Michael HattinOnce again, in the Book's final gasp, the sorry cycle of Israelite treachery and Divine counter-wrath is stated, but this time the oppressors have a new identity. Gone are the Canaanites, Moavites, Midianites and Ammonites of earlier cycles, now replaced by a foe far more menacing and more fierce: the Philistines.
The character of Shimshon is introduced as a Nazir from birth which demands an in depth investigation of the laws of the Nazir.
Considering the Naziritehood of Shimshon of Dan
Rabbi Michael HattinShimshon's nazirite status is unique and peculiar. The nazir is by definition a person who is profoundly driven towards an encounter with the Divine. Shimshon's status is imposed upon him by Divine command from birth and not by choice. Just like the Hazal describe the Nazir as a reaction to the Sotah - the breakdown of the relationship between a husband and wife - so too God's command of coerced Nazirite status upon Shimshon is a reaction to the complete adoption of the immoral Cannanite lifestyle by the nation by the end of the Book of Judges.
Shoftim 13-14
Matan Al Haperek
Matan Al HaPerek - Neta ShapiraPerek 13 describes the tidings of the miraculous birth of Shimshon, a Nazirite from the time of conception. The tempestuous and enigmatic figure of Shimshon is revealed in all its power in Perek 14.