Found 6 Search results
Sefer BeMidbar: From Doubt to Debate
Atara Snowbellתאריך פרסום: תשעב | | 56 minutes
After 38 years of wandering in the desert, in what way do the complaints of the new generation differ from the old? Why do they deserve to enter the Promised Land?
By the Virtue of Righteous Women
Rabbi Yaakov MedanAs learned in the laws of Pesach, women participated in the miracle of Pesach in an active manner, and not merely as “people who were redeemed”. How were women connected to the deliverance of Israel? As we can see by examining the text, although Moshe was the key figure in the exodus from Egypt, Moshe’s actions were undoubtedly influenced by those righteous women who surrounded him from the moment of his birth – righteous women by whose virtue the people of Israel were delivered.
The Episode of the Cushite Woman
Rabbi Amnon Bazakתאריך פרסום: תשע"ו | | 15 minutes
What is the true nature of the complaint of Miriam and Aharon about Moshe, and how can we understand Moshe's reaction to this complaint?
The Unique Role of Miriam in the Exodus
Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalomתאריך פרסום: תשעד | | Hour and 4 minutes
Miriam is unique – she is the most central female character in the Torah after Bereisheet. In this shiur, we look at Miriam’s role in the story of the Exodus. We look at her various titles (such as “sister of Aharon” and “sister of Moshe”, respectively), as well as other references to her in Tanakh. We examine her anonymity in her first appearances and consider what makes her Miriam “the prophetess.” While doing so, we use important methodological tools for studying Tanakh. Ultimately, Miriam shines as an agent of God’s will who acts as a unifying force, not least working to bring her family together.
Miriam, Moshe, and Water
Rabbi Shlomo Dov RosenBeshalach: What Does It Mean to Have Faith?
Rabbi David Fohrman |After crossing the Sea of Reeds, the nation of Israel sings a song of thanksgiving - but curiously, Miriam then leads the women of the nation in a second song. Why? In this video, Rabbi Fohrman explores a famous midrash about the birth of Moses and explains what it means to truly have faith.
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