Moshe's first mission

Found 5 Search results

  1. Vaera: Approaching Bnei Yisrael

    Rabbi Jonathan Snowbell | 18 minutes

    The bush is engulfed in flames, but not burnt. This marvel appears to be a test of sorts - it is only after Moshe stops and sees this vision that God begins to speak to him. Can Moshe see an "impossible" vision? Optimism and the ability to visualize the seemingly impossible may prove crucial to Moshe's mission and how he relates to the developing events, and to Bnei Yisrael. 


  2. Parshat Shemot Part 6: Moshe and Aaron's First Meeting with Pharaoh: Disaster and Despair

    Dr. Yael Ziegler | 36 minutes

    This final podcast of Parshat Shemot describes the initial stages of Moshe’s mission- the meeting between Moshe and Aharon, the exhibition of the signs, and their clash with Pharaoh and the nation.  

    Courtesy of

  3. Parshat Vaera Part 1: God Sends Moshe to Israel: A Historic and Religious Mission

    Dr. Yael Ziegler | 29 minutes

    This podcast discusses the beginning of Parshat Vaera, describing the two new aspects of Moshe’s mission and suggesting that perhaps the process of redemption is not only to free the Nation of Israel from slavery, but to change their mindset as well.  

    Courtesy of

  4. Parshat Vaera Part 2: Moshe's Hesitation and the Genealogy of the Tribe of Levi

    Dr. Yael Ziegler | 33 minutes

    This section of verses describes Moshe grappling with the religious aspect of his new mission as the representative of God, and his hesitations associated with this important task.  

    Courtesy of

  5. Parshat Vaera Part 3: Aaron and Moshe Come Before Pharaoh: The Staff and the Snake

    Dr. Yael Ziegler | 26 minutes

    The beginning of Chapter 7 describes God’s response to Moshe’s objections. This podcast discusses this discourse, as well as the purpose behind the staff stick as a prelude to the plagues.  

    Courtesy of