Moshe's Response to the complaints of Bnei Yisrael
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Of Lusts and Laments
Rabbi Chanoch WaxmanMoshe's response to the "mitavim" - the people who desired meat - differs from his previous reactions to the sins and complaints of Bnei Yisrael. What's the reason for his changed attitude? Is there a connection between the sin of "those who desired meat" and the departure of Yitro?
The Second Generation of the Desert StaffThe Tone of the New Generation in the Desert
Rabbi Jonathan Snowbellתאריך פרסום: תש"ע | | 17 minutes
This parsha takes a quantum leap into the future - we suddenly find Bnei Yisrael in the 40th year of the desert journey. This new generation once again complains about the lack of water and bemoans having left Egypt. What has changed from the previous generation? Moshe is punished- why aren’t they?
This new complaint is different than that of the previous generation. Though the new generation also invokes Egypt, they do not really want to go back to Egypt- they do not even remember Egypt. They are not encumbered with a slave mentality. This parasha contains a message for leaders: leaders and educators have to keep their fingers on the pulse of their community and understand what the issues of their current constituents are.
Parshat Behaalotcha Part 5: The Desire for Meat and Moshe's Leadership Challenge
Rabbi Jonathan Snowbell | 26 minutesThis podcast describes Bnei Yisrael’s complaints about the manna. Many questions that arise regarding this episode lead us to realize that these complaints may be pointing to a deeper problem than merely food deficiencies.
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