Moshe's Staff

Found 9 Search results

  1. Of Sticks and Stones

    Rabbi Chanoch Waxman | 30 minutes

    How did Moshe and Aharon fail to sanctify God at Mei Meriva, and why are they not permitted to enter the Land of Israel? We will gain insight into these matters by viewing our Parsha in its larger context of BeMidbar, and comparing the "stick" in our Parsha with Aharon's flowering stick in Parshat Korach and with the stick in the Parshat Beshalach.

  2. God's Staff

    Rabbi Dr. Tamir Granot

    What does Moshe's staff symbolize? What is its role in every instance it is mentioned? What is the internal division of the plagues that God brought upon Egypt, and what is the role of the staff in each of these sections? What is the role of the staff during the splitting of the sea? By examining the role of the staff in these instances, one can learn that it expresses the recognition that Moshe's leadership and his actions are all driven by God.

  3. He Who Answered Moshe at Horev Staff

  4. The Image of the Snake - Between Gan Eden, the Exodus and the Entering of Eretz Yisrael

    Rabbi Dov Berkovits

    תאריך פרסום: תשע"ה | |

    The image of the snake addresses fundamental issues of free will, good and evil, life and death. We will explore the richness of the text in the Gan Eden story and in the appearances of the snake in the formative events that shaped the spirit of Bnei Yisrael to deepen our understanding of the Torah's approach to the challenge of being human.

  5. A Sign of Faith?

    Rabbanit Sharon Rimon

    Moshe and Aharon confront the Egyptian magicians in the challenge of turning a staff into a serpent. What is the meaning of this test? What is its purpose?

    What was the purpose of the signs that Moshe was commanded to perform before Bnei Yisrael in Parshat Shemot?

    Even if we posit that the signs were meant to provide an initial reinforcement of faith amongst the nation, we still need to clarify their purpose for Pharaoh and his magicians. Was the purpose the same for them? Did the signs lead to faith in God, or in Moshe as a prophet, in the eyes of Pharaoh and his magicians?

    Through a close comparison between the narrative of Pharaoh’s dreams and the signs, we learn that perhaps the signs were not meant to establish faith. They came, just like the dreams had come previously, to convey a message, to present a vision.The signs would teach the Egyptians the meaning of the struggle against Am Yisrael.

  6. Moshe's Staff at Mei Meriva

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  7. A Miracle Within a Miracle

    Rabbanit Dr. Michal Tikochinsky

  8. Parshat Vaera Part 3: Aaron and Moshe Come Before Pharaoh: The Staff and the Snake

    Dr. Yael Ziegler | 26 minutes

    The beginning of Chapter 7 describes God’s response to Moshe’s objections. This podcast discusses this discourse, as well as the purpose behind the staff stick as a prelude to the plagues.  

    Courtesy of

  9. The Golden Calf: Idol Worship, Idle Worship or Ideal Worship?

    Rabbi Menachem Leibtag | Hour and 3 minutes

    Why was God so upset with the nation after the incident of the Golden Calf? After all, when studying the simple meaning of the text, the people were simply following Aharon’s own initiative and instructions. Our shiur will suggest an answer to this famous question, by considering the broader themes of Chumash, as well as the impact of the ‘splitting of the sea’ and the ‘war with Amalek’ on the psyche of the nation.