Found 2 Search results
Yaakov's Struggle and Confrontation
Rabbi Chanoch Waxman | 35 minutesYaakov is left alone and struggles with a mysterious figure. Why are they struggling and why does Yaakov insist on receiving a blessing from this stranger? What motivates Yaakov to meet Esav, and why does God insist on this meeting? Blessedness stems from struggles. The struggle, and the meeting with Esav, is a manifestation of Yaakov’s character transformation and of his sincere search for forgiveness.
Of Bags and Brothers (Audio)
Rabbi Chanoch Waxman | 24 minutesThe brothers’ sacks should contain grain, or cash, but not both. When they find their money (which Yosef had slipped into the sacks) along with the grain in their sacks, they worry. What is Yosef doing? Does he wish to harshly punish, or to kindly provide a way to achieve atonement? Yosef ultimately demonstrates that pursuing morality trumps realizing dreams.