Pharaoh's edicts
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The Enslavement of Israel and the Death Sentence for Newborn Boys
Rabbi Elchanan SametA close look at the enslavement of Am Yisrael in the opening chapters of Shemot, reveals that the story is told in two parallel parts, offering a contrast of the two types of edicts.
Part 3
Dr. Avigail RockAdditional characteristics of the Ramban’s commentary on the Torah:
The Secret Torah — “Al Derekh Ha-Emet”
When the Ramban prefaces an explanation with these words, his intent is to cite a commentary based on sod (literally, secret), the hidden, mystical elements of Jewish tradition. His Kabbalistic commentaries cannot be understood by a reader unschooled in fundamental Kabbalistic concepts.
Citation and Incorporation in the Commentary of the Ramban
Psychological Sensitivity
The Ramban explains the verses using an analysis of the motivations of the dominant personalities, based on his reasoned assessment of the characters and the situations in which they find themselves.
Serus Ha-Mikra
Another exegetical tool employed by the Ramban in his commentary is serus ha-mikra, the inversion or transposition of the verse. Sometimes, in order to understand the intent of the verse, one should read it as if the sequence of the words is different.
Abbreviation and Elaboration
When there is a certain lack of correlation between the initial description of an event and the later recapitulation of the same event, the Ramban explains the lack of correlation using the following rule: “It is the way of the verses to abbreviate it in one place and to elaborate in another place.”
There is no doubt that the Ramban is one of the most influential figures in terms of shaping the world of biblical exegesis and the Jewish worldview generally.
Did God Take Away Pharaoh's Free Will?
Rabbi David Fohrman |According to the simple meaning of the text, it seems like God took away Pharaoh's free will - how could He do such a thing? In this video, we explores the different words used by the Torah, kaved and chazek; Rabbi Fohrman argues that the precise language shows that God allows Pharaoh to pursue his vision, even if the vision is a defiance of God.
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Parshat Shemot Part 1: Israel in Egypt: Enslavement and Genocide
Dr. Yael Ziegler | 36 minutesThis podcast starts Sefer shemot with the story of the beginning of enslavemet and Pharaoh’s terrible decree against Bnei Yisrael. A close examination of the text reveals the shift from Avraham’s family into the nation of Israel.
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Pharaoh’s Decrees
Rabbanit Dr. Michal Tikochinsky