Prophet's Refusal of Divine Mission

Found 2 Search results

  1. Eliyahu in Horev (Part 3)

    The Double Revelation of God's Angel to Eliyahu (Part 1)

    Rabbi Elchanan Samet

    Despite the fact that he has performed great miracles, Eliyahu senses danger and flees because he no longer identifies with his Divine mission. The Midrash points to Eliyahu’s humanity despite the fact that his actions are paralleled to God’s actions. This is what makes the great figures of Tanakh our moral guides and shining examples for all of humanity: for all of their elevated greatness, they never cease to be human. And for this reason, they are susceptible to human mistakes and weaknesses.  

  2. Yirmiyahu’s Prophecy of Consecration

    Rabbi David Sabato

    The consecration prophecy of Yirmiyahu is compared to the opening prophecies of Yishayahu and Moshe. What does this consecration prophecy teach about Yirmiyahu and his prophecies in general and what is the significance of the fact that God chose the prophet "from the womb"?