Sanctity of the Land

Found 4 Search results

  1. The Borders of the Land of Israel

    Rabbi Menachem Leibtag

    Why are the borders of the Land of Israel not defined more clearly? Should they include everywhere from the Nile to Euphrates, or do they range from Dan to Beer-Sheva? This shiur examines the biblical roots of this complicated problem.

  2. Ramban on Toldot: Did the Avot Keep the Torah?

    Rabbi Ezra Bick | 32 minutes

    God promises to Yitzhak and give the Land to his descendants because Avraham kept God's commandments. - The Torah does not use only one word, but rather says that Avraham kept God's "mishmeret", "mitzvot", "chukim", and "torot." What does all this mean? Some commentators explain that the forefathers kept the entire Torah before it was given, but Ramban points out various actions of the forefathers which would have violated some commandments in the Torah. Ramban explains that they kept the entire Torah, but only in the Land of Israel, where there is intrinsic value in keeping the mitzvot even when they are not yet officially binding commandments.

  3. Acharei Mot - Kedoshim and Yom HaAtzmaut

    Rabbi Shlomo Dov Rosen

  4. Parshat Shemini Part 3: Commandments & Closeness

    Shani Taragin | 27 minutes

    This podcast discusses the aftermath of Nadav and Avihu’s deaths and the description of the rules for proper priestly conduct. We learn about the three different types of holiness- place, person, and time, and analyze the structure of the book on Vayikra, which teaches us the proper way of serving God.  

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