Shaul takes pity on Agag

Found 4 Search results

  1. Shaul's War against Amalek (I)

    Chapter 15 (Part I)

    Rabbi Amnon Bazak

    The mitzvah to destroy Amalek raises a number of moral issues: why were Bnei Yisrael commanded to destroy Amalek? Why does Shaul turn to the Keini and ask that they separate themselves from Amalek? Why was keeping Aggag alive such a terrible sin?

  2. Shaul's War against Amalek (II)

    Chapter 15 (Part II)

    Rabbi Amnon Bazak

    After understanding the reasons behind Shaul's decision to keep Aggag alive, we must try and understand why the sin was so severe. This lesson will explore the essential reasoning behind the commandment to destroy property in certain wars, and the problem with ignoring this commandment.

  3. Spoils of War

    Rabbi Alex Israel

    In Ahav's second battle with Aram, God yet again intervenes in a miraculous manner as per the prophet's prediction. Ahav has Ben Haddad cornered, but spares his life for which he is harshly criticized by the prophet and is told that he has forfeited his life. What motivated Ahav's behavior? Was it class solidarity as was Shaul's behavior towards Agag? Was Ahav leveraging his military advantage to accrue huge political, military or financial benefits for the nation at large?  A comparison to the story of Yehoshu'a conquest of Jericho implies that Ahav's motives may not matter. The victory was not his but God's and he had no mandate to sell away any part of the victory for any price.

  4. Amalek in the Book of Shmuel

    Elisheva Brauner