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Parashat Yitro
Prof. Jonathan Grossman"When the horn ("yovel") sounds long, they shall ascend the mountain." What is the sounds that permits the nation to ascent onto the mountain that was previously forbidden to touch? After the divine presence had descended, the nation was meant to climb the mountain and meet God’s presence “face to face.” But the nation was scared and requested continued mediation from Moshe. While the fear of God is positive, there is a spiritual price to pay for preventing the direct encounter with God.
Avraham and the Command of the Akeida
Rabbi Alex Israel | 33 minutesThe Story of Akeidat Yitzhak (The Binding of Isaac) has been a troubling one for many. This shiur examines various approaches to the significance, challenge, and purpose of the command given to Avraham, comparing and contrasting this challenge with other ones Avraham faces. Avraham’s character and approach to Divine service and morality is brought into sharper focus.
Ramban on Rosh HaShana: What is the Secret of the Terua?
Rabbi Ezra Bick | 30 minutesIn the Torah, the holy day we call “Rosh HaShana” is referred to as “Yom Terua” and “Zikhron Terua”- a “Day of Loud Blasts” and a “Remembrance of Loud Blasts.” What does remembrance mean here? Ramban notes that “zikaron” means “to bring something to the fore,” suggesting that this is a day of bringing the Shofar to the fore. Ramban also, however, continues and says that blowing the shofar will facilitate a remembrance before God. The mitzvah of Shofar is compared and contrasted with the mitzvah of constructing silver trumpets. Ramban connects the loud blasts of the “terua” with war, which is connected to judgement. This is a day of judgement, but through the terua enveloped by the tekia (evocative of the short, simple, sound of the breath of the individual), we can accept God’s judgement but symbolically arouse remembrance, thereby tempering the strict judgement with mercy.
Understanding the Shofar
Rabbi Yehuda RockHe Who Answered Hizkiyahu StaffWhat does the Shofar Sound like in Neviim and Ketuvim?
Elisheva BraunerRain: Danger of Destruction or Dawn of Redemption?
Elisheva BraunerThe Shofar of Sinai
Prof. Jonathan Grossman"And it happened on the third day in the morning, there was thundering and lightning and a heavy cloud upon the mountain, and THE SOUND OF A SHOFAR WAS VERY LOUD, and the whole nation in the camp trembled ... and the sound of the shofar grew louder and louder."
Throughout this shofar blast, which is becoming increasingly louder and stronger, the Shekhina is upon the mountain. If during this time it is forbidden for the people to ascend the mountain - or even to touch its very edge - then how are we to understand God's words, "When the shofar sounds long, they shall ascend the mountain?"
The nation is fearful of the shofar blasts and the fire, and therefore they move away from the site. At the same time they ask Moshe to intercede between God and themselves. During the long blast of the shofar the nation was indeed supposed to ascend the mountain and hear God's words directly, but because of their fright at the loud noise and great fire, Moshe alone ended up ascending alone to "the cloud where God was."
Translated by Kaeren Fish