Yehuda - The death of his sons
Found 6 Search results
Yehuda and Tamar
Rabbi David Silberתאריך פרסום: תשעב | |
We examine the story of Yehuda and Tamar, looking for linguistic hints from the names and symbolism of items mentioned in the narrative. Though seemingly unrelated to the “Yosef” stories which bracket it, the “Yehuda and Tamar” story reverberates with echoes from the preceding chapters. Tamar teaches Yehuda a transformative lesson that will shape his leadership in the following stories involving his interaction with his brothers.
Yehuda and Tamar
Rabbi Amnon BazakYehuda prevents his brothers from killing Yosef; but suggests that they sell him instead. How does the Torah evaluate his actions? What is the relationship between the selling of Yosef and the story of Er; Onan; Shela and Tamar? What lesson is learned from this episode about taking responsibility and white lies?
Yehuda, Yaakov, and Sons
Rabbi David SilverbergYehuda's Descent - The Danger of Indifference
Rabbi David SilverbergYehuda - The Making of a Biblical Hero
Rabbi Alex Israelתאריך פרסום: 5777 | | Hour and 10 minutes
We will be discussing the Yehuda and Tamar episode, the essential story to understand Yehuda as a leader, and to understand the forefathers and Bereisheet as a whole. We explore some perplexing questions about this story, and seek to understand the strange behavior of all involved. How does this story fit in with the sale of Yosef, and which event came first? The juxtaposition of these stories provides perspective on the ultimate leadership roles of Yosef and Yehuda, and teaches important lessons about taking responsibility.
Miketz: Was Reuven a "foolish oldest son"?
Rabbi Gad EldadWhy does Reuven offer for Yaakov to sacrifice his two sons if something happens to Binyamin - especialy when Reuven has four sons, not two? How is his statement connected to the Yehuda and Tamar story? Is Reuven trying to implicate Yehuda for his role in the selling of Yosef?
And what lessons is the Torah teaching us about the role of the firstborn?