
נמצאו 3 תוצאות חיפוש

  1. The Drought (part 14)

    Eliyahu Revives the Widow of Tzarfat's Son (VII)

    Rabbi Elchanan Samet

    While both exist within a similar general framework, clear differences exist between the resurrection performed by Eliyahu and the resurrection performed by Elisha. Each description is constructed around a challenge which the prophet must address by mobilizing all his energies. Eliyahu is in conflict with God and therefore his challenge focuses on his prayers to God. Elisha bares a personal responsibility for the dead child himself and therefore his challenge focuses on his actions to revive him.

  2. Beshalach - Tefilla and Action

    Rabbi Jonathan Snowbell | 30 דקות

    Bnei Yisrael are standing at the Sea, and they see the Egyptian forces coming. They call out to God, praying. Moshe tells them that God will fight for them, and that they are to proceed. How are Bnei Yisrael supposed to go if Moshe has not yet been commanded to split the sea? And how are we to understand the predicament of “Moshe’s hands were heavy” during the war with Amalek?  And where does the story of the manna fit in? We find some interesting parallels to Korban Tamid. The connections between the successive stories in Beshallah, model different aspects of the idea that God demands tefilla combined with action.

  3. Yosef and the Sar Hamashkim: The Limits of Human Involvement in the Redemptive Process

    Rabbi Yair Kahn | 58 דקות

    Rashi comments that Yosef had to remain in prison for an additional two years, because he requested that the Sar Hamashkim plea to Pharaoh on his behalf, instead of relying on Hashem. Was Yosef really out of line? Does perfect faith demand that Man be inactive on the practical level? Does proactive human action indicate a lack of faith? We will study the Yosef story and explore these fundamental questions, which lie at the very core of Religious Zionist philosophy.