Biblical Text as a Source for Prayer

נמצאו 3 תוצאות חיפוש

  1. The Great Prayer and Confession

    Rabbi Tzvi Sinensky

    After reading the Torah and celebrating Sukkot in spectacular fashion, the people remain behind, mourning and fasting for their sins. Those who had intermarried separate from their foreign spouses, and the community recites confession. The Levites proceed to offer a whirlwind tour of Biblical history, Notwithstanding the Jews’ unfaithful behavior, God remains compassionate and continues to provide.

    Perhaps the most conspicuous aspect of the prayer of the Levites is the extent to which they draw upon earlier scriptural sources. The ideal is to anchor our prayers, as our actions, in those of the outstanding scholars of the current and previous generations. The prayer exemplifies the key role played by religious commitment born of deep understanding. As the curtain closes on the prophetic period, a new emphasis on the Torah tradition rises to the fore.

    It was the leadership of the Shivat Tzion community that helped to renew the community’s commitment to Mosaic law as the touchstone for Jewish life and Jewish learning. Above all, this is the legacy of Ezra-Nechemia.

    Our invocation of Nechemia during our daily prayers hints to the larger idea that the miracles of the exodus are not isolated events, but are but one piece of the compassion with which God graced His people throughout the course of history.

  2. VaYerah: The Man of Prayer

    Rabbi Jay Kelman

  3. Understanding Techanun

    Tehillim Chapter 6

    Rabbi Alex Israel | שעה

    Tachanun, Tehillim chapter 6, is the prayer that the average shul goer is happy to omit. We shall probe the text, context and even the posture of this powerful Psalm, revealing the dramatic story that underpins the text to carve a pathway to kavannah in reciting this in the context of Tefilla.