The birth of Binyamin

נמצאו 4 תוצאות חיפוש

  1. Rachel's Death and Burial

    Rabbi Yaakov Medan

    Where was Rachel buried? Why is she the one crying for her children, and why does God answer her prayers? The answers to these questions leads us on a fascinating journey that begins with the Yosef and Binyamin (from the birth of Binyamin and the selling of Yosef through the Concubine on Givah, the destruction of Shiloh, and the exile of the ten tribes), continues with the civil wars throughout the generations (from the selling of Yoself through the murder of Gedalia to the destruction of the Second Temple and the Bar Kokhva Revolt). Rachel's prayer for Binyamin in the merit of her selflessness for him, and her prayer for Yosef and for all of Israel in the merit of her ability to conquer her natural jealousy toward her sister - these prayers have stood by Israel throughout the generations.

  2. A Great Silence: The Story of Rachel's Death

    Rabbi Elchanan Samet

    A great silence envelops the episode of Rachel's death – principally because the text refrains from describing Yaakov's emotional response to the death of his beloved wife. We hear neither a broken-hearted cry nor any description of an act of mourning. What is the meaning of this silence?

  3. Suffering or Strength - Ben Oni or Binyamin

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  4. Rachel: Mother at the Crossroads

    Shani Taragin | שעה

    This shiur explores the development of the character of Rachel, by analyzing the birth narrative of Yaakov’s children, and her challenges with infertility. Through Rachel’s journey to the appreciation of God’s role in the world, we can understand why she remains at the crossroads and the eternal message she represents for all generations.

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