Covering the blood

נמצאו 4 תוצאות חיפוש

  1. Blood and the Murdering of Animals

    Prof. Jonathan Grossman

    What is the Torah's attitude toward eating meat? This article discusses the matter while examining the prohibition to eat meant outside the Mishkan, and the commandment to cover the blood of animals and poultry.

  2. The Sanctity of the Nation of Israel in Sefer Devarim

    Rabbi Amnon Bazak

    Why are obligatory sacrifices not mentioned in Devarim? Apparently there is an essential distinction between atonement in Vayikra and atonement in Devarim. In Vayikra the essence of sanctity stems from the Mishkan, and the nation's atonement is achieved through the work of the Kohanim. In Devarim, the essence of Kedusha is embodied by the nation; the sins of Am Yisrael are forgiven through prayer and teshuva.

  3. Atonement in Sefer Vayikra and in Sefer Devarim

    Rabbi Amnon Bazak

    Bnei Yisrael are told, for the first time, that God will choose a place for the dwelling of the Divine Presence, where they can bring their gifts to God. The list of gifts is repeated over and over, which raises the question: why does the Torah mention the voluntary sacrifices (Olah and Shelamim; Tithes; vows; etc.) but omit the obligatory sacrifices? Devarim seems in general to ignore obligatory sacrifices. The reason might offer perspective on the distinction between Vayikra and Devarim.

  4. Ibn Ezra and Ramban: Covering the Blood of Animals

    Rabbi David Silverberg