David's Legacy

נמצאו 4 תוצאות חיפוש

  1. An Interim "Introduction" to Sefer Melakhim

    Rabbi Alex Israel

    From chapter 14 and onwards, we read brief accounts of kings that are formal and contain standardized language. The focus of the book of Melakhim is to be on the Mikdash.  The book begins with the rise of Shlomo and the building of the Mikdash, and it ends with its destruction.  The blame is also clear.  This is a book that targets the leaders, and hence it assesses the leadership – king by king - to discern which national figures accelerated the path to that great calamity of destruction and which tried to reverse or stem that process, steering the nation on a path of repentance.  Every king is listed and surveyed in order to understand their part.  Hence, no link in the chain from building to destruction may be omitted. It knows precisely where to place the blame, which area of deviance constitutes the core of the problem. Our book is focused and locked-in upon idolatry and its associated practices.

  2. David

    HaTanakh.com Staff

  3. "Selling" the Birthright: Rav Hirsch and Rav David Tzvi Hoffman

    Rabbi David Silverberg

  4. The Rehabilitation of Am Yisrael – Back to the Torah of Moshe!

    The Structure & Story of Book IV (90-106)

    Dr. Beni Gesundheit | שעה ו- 17 דקות

    Structure & Story of Book IV (90-106) and its opening with Mizmor 90

    What can we learn from the placement of Moshe Rabeinu’s prayer as the interface between the destruction described at the end of Book III and the rehabilitation presented in Book IV?

    After Book III and the destruction of David’s Kingdom in Mizmor 89, Book IV opens a new chapter of the spiritual restoration and response to the destruction described in Mizmor 89. Book IV consists of three units, all related to the advancement of God’s sovereignty in the world. Mizmor 90, Moshe’s prayer, which introduces Book IV, asks for compassion for the Jewish people and for success in what they do. This mizmor leads the process of rehabilitation; the goal of which is to restore God’s sovereignty to Israel and the nations (95-100), to the renewal of David’s Kingdom (101); these historical changes (102-106) pave the way to the return from the diaspora and ingathering of the exiles (Book V). A historical review of the twin mizmorim 105-106 closes Book IV with a thesis and antithesis, while Mizmor 107, which opens Book V continues with the synthesis of these twin chapters and a message that continues to resonate with us, the generation that has merited to see the return to Zion.