
נמצאו 3 תוצאות חיפוש

  1. Love for the "Ger"

    Rabbi Yehuda Rock

    The Torah relates to the "ger" as one who dwells among Am Israel; but commentators views the ger as a convert - a "ger tzedek." The Oral Torah divided the ger into two types - one who is obligated in all of the commandments of the Torah. We are obligated to love this ger - the "Ger Tzedek" - and s/he is considered fully Jewish, as opposed to the "Ger Toshav" who is obligated in the seven commandments of Noah's sons, and is permitted to live in Israel.

  2. Ramban on Vayeshev - "And Yaakov Settled as a Stranger"

    Rabbi Ezra Bick |

    This shiur focuses on Ramban’s comments on the first pasuk in the parasha. Though Esav settled in his inheritance, Yaakov lived as a stranger in the land, like his forefathers.  Avraham’s phrase is “Ger toshav” – foreign resident. Why does the text say this? What does it mean to be a “ger” in the land? And why is it important that this is so for Avraham and Yaakov?

  3. Don't Respond Rashly: Moshe's Measured Approach to the Blasphemer

    Rabbi David Silverberg