Hidden Miracles

נמצאו 5 תוצאות חיפוש

  1. The Victory Over the Ai

    Rabbi Michael Hattin

    At Jericho, the victory was God's alone. It was precipitated by His Ark, the symbol of His earthly throne, and resulted from the miraculous collapse of the city's fortifications. As aresult the spoils were prohibited. At the Ai, the groundwork for the undertaking that resulted in success was prepared by the twin components of Yehoshua's meticulous planning and the people's spirited struggle. While God in the end provided the critical catalyst for the victory, it was a triumph that belonged to all of Israel. Therefore, the spoils are also given over to them to stress the significance of THEIR initiative and to highlight THEIR involvement. 

  2. Elisha – Prophet of Miracles

    Rabbi Alex Israel

    Elisha is constantly performing miracles. His miracles span from practical assistance to individuals or small groups, to operating at the national level, alongside kings and armies. The miracle with the widow and the oil - whose children are on the verge of being sold into slavery - is reminiscent of and sharply contrasted to Eliyahu's miracle with the widow in Zarfat. Eliyahu and Elisha may differ in educational philosophy: What is the more effective educational method: the stick or the carrot, confrontation or encouragement? The difference between the two might be a function of the times in which they live and serve. In Eliyahu's period, under the reign of Ahav, Israel enjoy economic prosperity, wielding international power. Elisha's era, in contrast, is characterized by Aram's devastating oppression of the Northern kingdom. When the nation is under siege, what is required is support, inspiration and encouragement.

  3. Revealing the Tetragrammaton- The Problem of a New Divine Name

    Rabbi Chanoch Waxman | שעה ו- 7 דקות

    Why does God tell Moshe that He never revealed the Tetragrammaton to our forefathers, when it was in fact revealed to them? How do we resolve this contradiction between Sefer Bereishit and Sefer Shemot? This shiur explores the various answers given by the commentaries, and also utilizes a literary approach of textual parallels in order to answer this question and also learn about the nature of divine promises.

  4. Menorah and Oil Miracles in Tanakh

    Elisheva Brauner

  5. Vaera - Miracles and Prophecy

    Rabbi Jonathan Snowbell

    תאריך פרסום: תשס"ט | | 18 דקות

    What is a miracle? What is a prophecy? Both come up very strongly in this parasha. We look at some big ideas relating to these topics, and consider what elements of a nevua are crucial to our ability to accept and believe it. What are the purposes of miracles and prophecies? Accuracy, preciseness and relevancy are key.