Luhot HaBrit

נמצאו 2 תוצאות חיפוש

  1. The Oral Law and the Two Versions of Ten Commandments

    Rabbi Yitzchak Blau

    What is the relationship between the Ten Commandments in Shmot and the Ten Commandments in Devarim? Were both delivered at Sinai? Were both written in the Luhot HaBrit? The Ten Commandments in Devarim might represent Moshe’s interpretation - a human perspective, or Torah She’Be’al Peh regarding the Ten Commandments in Shmot.

  2. Tablets, Temples, and Tefilot

    Shani Taragin | 55 דקות

    Two of the tragedies that befell Am Yisrael on 17 Tammuz are the breaking of the first set of luchot by Moshe following the Sin of the Golden Calf, and the beginning of the destruction of the first Beit Hamikdash. By placing the mourning for the luchot and the Beit Hamikdash on the same day, Chazal are pointing out important parallels between them, in order to understand the tragedy of the day. By exploring the differences between the first and second luchot and appreciating the relationship between them, we can better understand the differences between the first and second Beit Hamikdash, and learn about the partnership between God and Am Yisrael as we learn from the past and look towards the future. 

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