
נמצאו 5 תוצאות חיפוש

  1. The Speed of Redemption

    Rabbi Alex Israel | 41 דקות

    Central to Parashat Bo are the the unique Pesach Mitzrayim rituals, such as painting doorposts with lamb’s blood, carried out during the night of the Plague of the Firstborn. What is the purpose of Pesach Mitzrayim? After exploring the respective commentaries of Rambam and Rashi on the meaning and symbolism behind the rituals, we arrive at a message about the need to invest ourselves in the redemption process

  2. The Matza Mystery - The Meaning of the Command to Eat Matza Prior to the Exodus

    Rabbi Yair Kahn

    תאריך פרסום: תשע"ג | |

    Sefer Shemot describes how Bnei Yisrael baked matza as they were being rushed out of Egypt because they didn't have time to wait for the leavening process in bread. But there was already a law about matza that appeared in the instructions before the Pesach in Egypt. - that Bnei Yisrael were to eat the lamb with matza and maror. Why are Bnei Yisrael commanded to eat matza for Pesach Mitzrayim-- what is the symbolism for the matza before Bnei Yisrael left in haste? We find clues in earlier chapters in Shemot as well as in the Brit Bein HaBetarim (Covenant Between the Parts) that present the matza as paralleling two different parts of the exodus. Multiple aspects of the matza experience are important in commemorating the Exodus, as the matza may symbolize the enslavement, oppression (innuy), and redemption.

  3. Parashat HaShavua Emor - Regalim

    Rabbi Jonathan Snowbell

    תאריך פרסום: תשע"ו | | 23 דקות

    The festivals mentioned in the Torah are central and multifaceted, mentioned a number of times in key places. In our parasha, Parashat Emor, the element at the forefront appears to be the unique mitzvot of every moed(holiday). This shiur attempts to tie in that unique commandment of each regel to the element that seems to be missing from our parasha: how Am Yisrael relate to the Mikdash on the regalim. 

  4. The Meaning of Shavuot and its Unique Offering

    Rabbi Dr. Yoel Bin Nun

    While Pesach and Shavuot are linked by the counting of the Omer, they differ radically in their relationship to chametz and matza: on Pesach chametz is forbidden and matza is compulsory, while on Shavuot we offer two loaves of chametz.  How are we to understand this?  A proper explanation of the significance of chametz and matza, analyzing the various sources that appear in the Torah, shows that these are all details of a complete, unified system.

  5. Parshat Bo Part 6: Circumcision, Firstborn Animals, Hametz and Matza and the Children's Questions

    Dr. Yael Ziegler | 38 דקות

    This podcast concludes Parshat Bo, and discusses the verses that serve as an addendum to the previous section of the preparation for the departure from Egypt. This section describes the mitzvot commemorating the Exodus, which are meant to instill in us an understanding of the value of the Jewish nation and our relationship with God. 

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